Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Politics By Aristotle Essays - Forms Of Government, Politics
The Politics By Aristotle In the book The Politics, Aristotle analyzes different types of political communities. He examines these political communities on two different levels; first as a city and then as a regime. By studying both city and regime you get the full picture of the different types of governments throughout the world. Aristotle uses this dual approach to describe the different types of regimes. Through his evaluation of the city and regime, Aristotle comes to the conclusion that oligarchies, which are governments that are ruled by the few, are deviant regimes because they govern for the good of the rulers, and not for the good of the whole. The city is the first level that Aristotle uses to evaluate different types of political communities. A complete city ?is the multitude of such persons that is adequate with a view to a self-sufficient life? (Aristotle pg. 87). Villages are collaboration of many households that have come together so they can obtain non-daily needs. Since villages are not self-sufficient, they join together to form cities. Cities provide you with the things your household and your village are not able to provide to you. Therefore, the city is the only thing that can exists self-sufficiently, and it exists for the sake of living well. The city is also the most authoritative partnership. The city embraces all other partnerships and therefore, it aims at the most authoritative good of all, which is living well. Aristotle uses ?city? to generally describe political communities. The city only describes the people who inhabit it; it does not distinguish who the rulers are or what kind of rule the city has. The citizens are an important aspect of political communities because knowing the citizens allows you to investigate what type of regime that particular city has or should have. To find out who rules the city you have to study the city's regime. Regimes are the second level of analyses Aristotle uses to describe political communities. A ?regime is an arrangement of a city with respect to its offices, particularly the one that has authority over all matters. For what has authority in the city is the governing body, and the governing body is the regime (Aristotle pg. 94).? A regime is a ?part? of the ?whole? that deals with decision-making. When analyzing a regime, you are determining who is ruling the city and what kind of rule the city has. Examining regimes is the specific way to evaluate political communities; it is the way to tell one political community apart from another. According to Aristotle, there are both correct and deviant regimes. Regimes that aim at the common advantage of the whole city are correct regimes because the regimes are just with moral laws. They allow their inhabitants to be citizens and participate in government on the basis of virtue instead of wealth, birth or beauty. Regimes that aim at a private advantage are deviant regimes because they are excluding part of the ?whole.? An oligarchy is a type of political community in which the rich, who are the few, have the power to rule. The affluent believe they deserve to have total power, because they contribute more to the city from their extensive wealth. Therefore, the wealthy believe they should have greater voice in the city, because they have more invested into it. To analyze an oligarchy you first need to look at it in general terms, meaning you need to observe the city and its individual citizens. The city is composed mainly of poor people, and they receive very little power or opportunities for political involvement. Whereas, the wealthy believe they should have more representation in the city because they own more of the land even if their representation is basis or corrupt. The regime in an oligarchy is a small part of the whole city. For example, the rich only consist of a small fraction of the whole city. The governing element is based upon inequality of authority. The wealthy do not believe that it is fair to give everyone the same amount of authority, because authority should be proportional to the amount of financial support that you give to the city. The affluent do not realize
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Ted Bundy Essays - Ted Bundy, Serial Killer, The Stranger Beside Me
Ted Bundy Essays - Ted Bundy, Serial Killer, The Stranger Beside Me Ted Bundy Ted Bundy Ted Bundy killed, raped and assaulted women all over the U.S, targeting young college women usually in Washington and Utah. His crimes remained anonymous, instilling fear throughout the country. Through a generally typical childhood and a successful education, no one would have ever expected Bundy to be a derailed monster. His escape skills and intelligence made it difficult to convict him but he eventually paid the price in 1989, in Railford's death penalty electric chair. Bundy fit the characteristics of an average young boy. He participated in the Boys Scouts of America ("Charles Montaldo"). His peers from school remember him as an intelligent, happy and popular child ("Predator"). So, what led to Bundy becoming an notorious killer? Maybe the peculiar confusion and anger his family caused him. His mother raised him to believe that she was his sister, and it remains obscure as to who his father might be. "Serial Killer Profile: Ted Bundy"). Bundy grew up in his grandparent's home, assuming that they were his biological parents (Predator"). He eventually discovered the truth behind the lies and grew extremely angry at his family ("Predator"). He looked up to his grandfather although, he was known for his turbulent temper and interest in pornography ("Predator"). He abused the family dog & swung neighborhood cats by their tails ("Predator"). He's considered to have been a possible influence for Bundy's questionable crimes ("Predator"). Graduating from Woodrow Wilson High School, class of 1965 he soon attended the University of Washington the following year and graduated with a degree in psychology ("Ted Bundy"). A few years later, he transferred to Standford, but dropped out ("Predator"). Not longafter, he was accepted to the University of Utah Law School ("Predator"). After his graduation, he went to work for the state Republican Party ("Ted Bundy"). He earned himself a incandescent future in politics. Bundy's murders began in Washington, 1973. No one knows who exactly his first victim was, but Joni Lenzth was the first serious attack he can be definitively attributed to ("Serial Killer Profile: Ted Bundy"). They attended the University of Washington together ("Serial Killer Profile: Ted Bundy"). One night, he invaded her basement bedroom and beat her unconscious with a metal rod ("Serial Killer Profile: Ted Bundy"). He then brutally molested her with a speculum ("Serial Killer Profile: Ted Bundy"). Unlike many of Bundy's other victims, Lenzth survived however she suffered brain damage and internal injuries ("Serial Killer Profile: Ted Bundy"). After killing more college women, he expeditiously relocated to Utah in 1975. ("Predator"). At this time, he was attending the University of Utah Law School. He established a system to lure women in. He acted as a classy man he took women out to fancy restaurants and bought them jewelry (Ted Bundy Biography). Afterwards, when his hoax remained a success, he would rape and more than likely murder his victim ("Ted Bundy Biography"). Bundy murdered women at a frightening rate. His anonymous killing sprees horrified the country. In 1976, Bundy failed to pull over for a traffic routine stop his vehicle was then stopped and searched ("Charles Montaldo"). While the the patrol officer explored his car, he found a ski mask, a crowbar, handcuffs, and trash bags ("Charles Montaldo"). He was soon arrested after a detective acknowledged that a suspect and vehicle description matched Bundy's suspicion ("Charles Montaldo"). He was sentenced to fifteen years in the Utah State Prison after he was found guilty of kidnapping and assault ("Charles Montaldo"). In failure of attempting to flee, hewas assigned several weeks in solitary confinement ("Charles Montaldo"). Eventually he was dispatched to the Garfield County jail ("Charles Montaldo"). He escaped once more, this time successful ("Charles Montaldo"). He set off for Florida, where he attempted to live a new life ("Charles Montaldo"). Bundy found himself then living as "Chris Hagen" ("Predator"). He rented a place to stay and attempted to get a job ("Predator"). He decided to stay innocent he knew if he refrained from criminal activity he would attract no attention from the police and remain free ("Predator"). When he failed to get a job, he reverted to his old, amiss habits and began to shoplift and steal credit cards ("Serial Killer Profile: Ted Bundy"). He soon reverted completely and inaugurated to murdering and raping females, yet again. ("Serial Killer Profile: Ted Bundy"). He committed his last murder in Florida. In a stolen van, he abducted twelve year old Kimberly Ann Leach in her school parking lot while she was dismissed by her teacher to retrieve a
Thursday, November 21, 2019
E-learning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
E-learning - Assignment Example Education is available all the time provided there is internet access and all the student need to do is to access the internet and start learning. Convenience is also achieved when using internet learning in that students do not have to be in a classroom to learn. E- Learning offers consistency in learning because students do not depend on different instructors. Relying on different instructors has the potential giving students different education depending on the financial capabilities or gender just to name a few factors, which may discriminate against poor students (SyberWorks, 2010). Educational material on internet learning is consistent irrespective of social class, and this minimizes inequality. Internet education offers a flexible way to learn depending on the requirements of students. This implies that that education is self-paced and the students can take time to understand the topics that are hard for them (Berman, 2006). Since the technology requires some skill, students as well as teachers have problems when uploading assignments and taking tests. Problems with internet and computer processing speeds are also obstacles that hinder use of internet learning. Proper education requires people to interact so that they can share feelings and information freely. Internet education lacks this personal touch to education and it can be a limiting factor to good education. Internet learning does not control the-learning environment hence chance of academic dishonesty is high. Class attendance is not necessary and absenteeism is prominent since irresponsible students have high probabilities of skipping classes. It is also not possible to tell who took a test and cheating is likely to occur, which is detrimental to education success. Some skills cannot be taught using internet learning since at times instructors are necessary so that they can influence necessary
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